11-02-2025 12:00:00 AM
Metro India News | Hyderabad
Mirchowk Police on Monday arrested two persons in connection with the theft case in a house near MGBS in Hyderabad and seized Rs 2.60 lakh worth items from them. Arrested have been identified as Mohammad Noor Hassan (33), resident of Nor Khan Bazaar and Himayath Hussain Ansari (23), resident of Farath Nagar.
Mohammed Imran (29), resident of Kali Khabar near MGBS, lodged the complaint on February 4. In his complaint, he stated that he got information that iron locker was missing from his room on that he immediately rushed to his house and came to know that iron locker containing 1 gold necklace, 1 pair of ear rings, 2 finger rings all weighted 30 grams and amount 2,00,000 cash, 5 passports, 3 RC books of two wheeler vehicles and one Rado watch.
He checked nearby CCTV cameras and found that on February 4 at 4:30am two unknown persons came near his house, one of them entered his house by opening the main door latch. After four minutes the person exited the main road with an iron locker. Police arrested two accused persons near Noor café at Komatwadi on Sunday night.