Veteran actor Shatrughan Sinha slammed Mukesh Khanna for his ‘distasteful’ comment on him. The Shaktimaan actor questioned Sonakshi Sinha’s upbringing and blamed Shatrughan for her inability to answer a Ramayana-related question on Kaun Banega Crorepati 11 in 2019. This did not go down well with the Sinhas and they have lashed out at Khanna.
After Sonakshi penned a long note to criticise the actor, Shatrughan also defended his daughter. In an interview with Bollywood Hungama, Shatrughan said, “I believe someone has a problem with Sonakshi not answering a question on the Ramayana. Firstly, what qualifies this person to be an expert on all things to do with the Ramayana? And who has appointed him as the guardian of the Hindu religion?”