While India’s Oscar hopes were dashed with the loss of Laapataa Ladies, The Viral Fever (TVF) brought a fresh wave of excitement to the nation. The popular web series Sapne Vs Everyone made India proud by clinching the top honour for Best Branded Program at the prestigious Asian Academy Creative Awards.
While celebrating this incredible achievement, Arunabh Kumar, the founder of TVF, took to his social media to share glimpses from the award ceremony, where he, along with his team, received the honour. Expressing his excitement and gratitude, he wrote in the caption: “Finally we win One of the BIGGEST Awards that is there for Branded Storytelling @asianacademycreativeawards for our show #sapneyVsEveryone and more proud to do this one for Our Country Congratulations to entire team of @theviralfever starting with the man @ambrishverma3011.”
He went on to share how the seed of a show was sown and wrote, “I remember how he had shared the story with me when we had gone to a temple and asked him what story is close to his heart… from starting the narration in Goa to working on it tirelessly with blood sweat and literally tears in the editing suite… have been fortunate to see one of the most original storyteller & actor create a show which is so different from what we have done at TVF so far…Amby you are like a younger brother I can only thank God for getting us back together and do this… from bonding on modern philosophy to what not… here is to winning more and telling more crazy stories together.”