Actor Ram Kapoor, known for his diverse roles across television, films and OTT, left his fans shocked after he underwent a massive physical transformation. The actor took to his Instagram to share some recent pictures, and netizens had a tough time trying to recognise him at first.
Ram, who was MIA on social media for almost three months, took to his Instagram handle to drop a stunning new photo of himself, in which he can be seen clicking himself in the mirror. While his weight Loss transformation is evident in the picture, the actor dropped a cheeky caption along with the photo: “Hi guys, sorry for the slightly long absence from Insta was working on myself quite extensively (sic).”
The 51-year-old actor also shared another photo with wife Gautami Kapoor, in which he revealed to have lost a massive 42 kg of weight.
As soon as he shared the photos, fans went berserk at his shocking transformation. “No, are you serious?” a user commented, while another wrote, “Lovely transformation Mr Kapoor. truly inspirational.” “The change is phenomenal,” a fan gushed.
This is not the first time that Ram has grabbed eyeballs with his physical transformation. Back in 2019, he made headlines for losing 30 kg in a span of just 7 months. “I eat for 8 hours and fast for 16 hours. I work out 2 hours in the morning and at night,” he had revealed at that time.