Keerthy Suresh and his long-time partner Anthony Tattil got married in Goa. Her co-star Thalapathy Vijay was among the most distinguished visitors who attended the event. On Wednesday night, Keerthy posted a few images from her dream wedding on her Instagram handle. The pair were wearing traditional wedding clothing in the stills. Vijay, who was dressed in a white kurta, can be seen with them. Leo star was seen posing with the couple in the first photo. In the second picture posted by Keerthy, Vijay was seen meeting and shaking hands with the newly married couple after their ceremony. While sharing the beautiful photos, Keerthy Suresh expressed her gratitude to the actor for his attendance at the wedding. “When our dream icon blessed us at our dream weddinggg! @actorvijay sir. With love, Your Nanbi and Nanban” wrote Keerthy Suresh.