India’s beloved storyteller Sudhanshu Rai celebrated Makar Sankranti with the official first-look video of his much-anticipated upcoming sci-fi supernatural thriller BAIDA. The 55-second video, offering a never-seen-before experience, takes viewers into an intriguing world filled with abandoned cottages, lanterns, forests, and a web of illusions.
With the release of the first-look video, the filmmakers, including Sudhanshu Rai and director Puneet Sharma, have also announced that BAIDA will be released in cinemas across India on March 21, 2025.
Directed by Puneet Sharma, BAIDA is poised to be a groundbreaking sci-fi supernatural thriller set in India’s Hindi Heartland. The film is inspired by one of Sudhanshu’s most popular audio stories, which has been a fan favorite. After their successful collaboration on the horror-comedy Chaipatti, the Saints Art banner and Sudhanshu Rai are raising the stakes with BAIDA, promising a fresh and captivating cinematic experience.